Palm trees

Sago palm cicas - home care
Tsikas, or cycad, is a genus of gymnosperms, consisting of 90 species. Natural habitat ...
How to care for a palm tree at home
Palm trees are exotic "beauties" that instantly transform the home interior and bring the atmosphere ...
Areca palm - home care and reproduction
Areca can be found both in winter gardens and greenhouses, as well as in houses, apartments, offices. She is appreciated for her green ...
House palm - exotic indoor flower
Indoor palms are widely used for interior decoration. Before you buy a piece of the tropics, ...
Areca palm chrysalidocarpus - home care
Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens flower is a palm tree that so many people like to grow at home. Having attractive ...
Palm Hovea - home care
The Hovea palm is one of the exotic plants that is very popular with flower growers. Thanks to unpretentiousness ...
Date palm from stone - how to plant at home
Dates are delicious and quite popular fruits. Nowadays, they can be bought in almost any trading ...
Areca palm - how to care for a plant
Areca Palm is native to the tropics. More than 40 species grow in tropical rainforests ...
Cycas revoluta - care and reproduction
A resident of the Japanese islands of Kyushu and Ryukyu, the cicas of the revolution has long ceased to be exotic. "Home palm" ...



Palm trees