What indoor flowers can be kept in the bedroom

Plants are able not only to decorate the house, but also to be useful. If you are going to grow plants in the bedroom, you need to know which flowers are suitable for this, and which should not be put in any case. It is important that they make the living environment cleaner, supply the house and people with live energy, and help create a special climate in the house. This article will tell you about which indoor flowers can be kept in the bedroom, and which cannot and why exactly.

What indoor flowers can be kept in the bedroom

To determine the attitude to a certain type of flowers, it is necessary to take into account that not only their biological properties are important, but also the role they play in the house. The following categories are provided, which include indoor plants for the bedroom:

  • donors are able to give energy to people;
  • vampires have the opposite feature, they take energy from the surrounding space;
  • amulets have a beneficial effect on human destinies;
  • certain plants are able to make the atmosphere in the house cleaner;
  • neutrals do not have any significant impact on people or homes;
  • there are also bad plants that have intoxicating as well as poisonous effects.

Plants create a favorable climate

Note! When considering a particular plant, it is important to know which category it should be classified into. It should be borne in mind that there may be several suitable options.

General guidelines for choosing colors for the bedroom

To find out which houseplants you can keep in your bedroom, you need to know their basic properties.

When choosing a suitable indoor plant, the first step is to know how it releases oxygen throughout the night. Some flowers are capable of absorbing it.

The degree of allergenicity is important. It is worth considering how aggressive the plants are in this sense. It is necessary to take into account the presence of allergies among the residents. If it is, then it must be known exactly what can cause it. If allergens are associated with certain plants, then they should not be placed in the bedroom.

Important! It is necessary to understand that the bedroom plays a special role in human life. This is where he is most vulnerable. Therefore, when selecting plants, it is necessary to exclude those that are capable of causing even minor harm. Intoxicating aromas in this room are unacceptable.

It is important to consider what scents the flowers give off. If they are harsh or unpleasant, then there is no point in keeping them in the bedroom.

It is important that the number of plants is optimal. There is no point in turning the bedroom into a greenhouse.

If we turn to the recommendations of feng shui, then only those plants that are characterized by the presence of stable energy should be placed here. These flowers can be recognized by the fact that they grow slowly, rarely bloom and look harmonious in the interior of the bedroom.

It is known that not only natural, but also artificial flowers can be used for decoration. It is not recommended to use the latter for interior decoration. This is due to the fact that they do not emit the life energy needed to create a suitable atmosphere.

The plants that have been chosen for the bedroom must be in good condition. They will emit the necessary energy only if they are well looked after. At the same time, it is unacceptable that they suffer from any ailments.

A bedroom that resembles a blooming garden - not for everybody

Is it possible to put geraniums in the bedroom

These flowers are always eye-catching. Geranium is suitable for almost any room. The flower is not only beautiful, it has disinfecting properties. Geranium is capable of destroying staphylococci and streptococci.

Geranium in the bedroom emits phytoncides that have a calming effect. In case of insomnia or severe stress, the smell of geranium will allow you to calm down and come to your senses.

For your information! Geranium has a positive effect on female hormonal levels.

However, it should be borne in mind that in some cases, the presence of pelargonium in the room can cause allergic reactions in family members.

This plant saturates the air with negative ions, which have a positive effect on human health. In addition, geranium improves sleep, relieves headaches, helps to normalize blood pressure, and strengthens the immune system.

Sometimes one plant is enough

Is it possible to put violets in the bedroom

Houseplants can delight not only with the fact that they are beneficial, but also attract attention with their beauty. One of them is the violet.

Important!This plant will not only delight you with its beauty, but also emphasize the harmony of the decor in the bedroom, without disturbing its comfort.

This flower is able to change the psycho-emotional state of a person. This can be considered the answer to the question of whether it is possible to put violets in the bedroom. In this case, the color of the flowers is essential.

  • If violets have white flowers, then they are able to weaken the heat of strong emotions. Under their influence, passions subside, the atmosphere becomes calmer and more comfortable. If the pot with a violet is located near the head of the bed, then this will avoid nervous breakdowns and harsh emotions.
  • Purple influences the atmosphere in the family. If they are in the house, then it strengthens the unity of the family. If negative powerful streams of energy arise, then they will be neutralized with the help of the influence of this flower.
  • Red or pink inflorescences are suitable for those who see too little joy in their lives. By their influence, they will help them to better feel the fullness of life.
  • Purples can awaken in a person the ability to enjoy communicating with people. To enjoy the work he has done.

The plant standing on the floor must be of an impressive size so as not to get lost

Is it possible to put aloe in the bedroom

This plant is not only ideal for bedroom use, but also has powerful medicinal properties. This plant will be in its place in the bedroom. It is also recommended for placement in the nursery.

If there are chipboard products in the room, they can emit formaldehyde. Aloe is capable of absorbing at least 90% of this gas. It is also capable of extinguishing other types of harmful substances. This plant actively increases the oxygen content in the room and absorbs carbon dioxide.

The aloe pot on the south side of the windowsill means there will always be pleasant and clean air in the room.

Important!This plant is considered humble. It is placed in such a way that it is out of sight. It is generally accepted that the flower removes negative energy, reduces the likelihood that accidents can occur.

Is it possible to put dracaena in the bedroom

This flower is able to give a person strength, enhance his tone. Dracaena in the bedroom serves as a source of life energy. Along with this, the flower is a source of tranquility and harmony for family members.

All flowers need care

How to place plants in a bedroom

The harmony and beauty of the plants will create a pleasant atmosphere in the room. When placed in a bedroom, flowers can stand in the following places:

  • on the bedside table, which is next to the bed;
  • those plants that love bright color will feel good on the windowsill;
  • you can use a chest of drawers;
  • large plants will look harmonious when placed on the floor.

Flowers that need light are placed on the windowsill

Selection of plants taking into account the characteristics of the room

To arrange the plants most effectively, you need to think over the arrangement of furniture, provide the room with light and an influx of fresh age.

When placing flowers, it is important to proceed not only from the beauty and harmony of the location, but also from their biological characteristics. For example, plants that like sunlight are best placed on the windowsill, and those that emit a lot of oxygen are placed near the bed.

Important! Plants need to be looked after carefully. If they are dry or sick, they must be removed from the bedroom.

On the north side, you can put those that do not require abundant lighting and are not afraid of low temperatures.

Exquisite plants for the bedroom

The following are indoor flowers for the bedroom that are good for the health and relationships of people.

Kalanchoe has such a feature that during the night it releases a large amount of oxygen. It not only pleases with its colors, but is also a powerful remedy against depression, relieves nervous stress, and helps fight insomnia.

Royal begonia is capable of destroying indoor pathogens. The mild aroma relaxes and relieves nervous tension. Begonia improves immunity and allows a sick person to fight the disease more effectively.

The plant in the interior of the bedroom not only decorates the interior

Why not all plants are suitable for the bedroom

Some of them can negatively affect health or create negative energy flows that are undesirable in the home. For example, it is not recommended to decorate the bedroom with artificial flowers that express negative energy and remind some of the cemetery decor.

Plants that should not be kept in the bedroom

Dieffenbachia is one example. It has beautiful flowers and emits phytoncides that help purify the air. However, this plant has poisonous sap, which makes it unacceptable to keep in a house where there are small children or pets.

It is also not recommended to grow lilies in the house. One of their characteristic properties is the active absorption of oxygen at night. This quality, combined with a sharp, heady aroma, can cause headaches.

Orchids are also not recommended to be placed in the bedroom. This plant uses up a lot of oxygen and has a strong aroma. This combination can lead a person to severe headaches.

The choice of colors for the bedroom in Feng Shui to harmonize relationships

Properly selected home plants will not only delight with their beauty, but will also help make relationships more harmonious. Here are some guidelines for choosing feng shui:

  • calla lilies that stand in the marital bedroom are able to help eliminate disagreements between them;
  • growing a money tree enhances femininity and fosters family happiness. Another function of this plant is to help achieve financial goals;
  • the use of bamboo for decoration enhances strength and health, promotes a long and calm life for parents and children.

Plants in the home are an important part of family life.

Flowers in the bedroom, if chosen correctly, are capable of pleasing the eye and creating a healthy microclimate. The energy they create can make people stronger and family life happier. The choice of colors should be as close as possible to what will be most important in the house.




Palm trees